Myfanwy Hill
Board Member
Myfanwy Hill has been a PLF board member since 2022 and is currently the Environmental Operations Manager at Greater Wellington Regional Council. At her previous role as the Open Space and Parks Manager at Wellington City Council Open Space and Parks team, her and her team were responsible for cemeteries, public gardens, urban ecology & environmental management, park ranger services, nursery operations, and waterfront operations.
Her background is in ecology, attaining a Master's of Science in Ecology from Massey University, and she has worked with urban wildlife for over 20 years. She is passionate about connecting people to nature.
Myfanwy wrote the award-winning Wellington biodiversity strategy - ‘Our Natural Capital’, which a range of innovative programmes sits under. She feels that Park Managers act as a stewards of public green space, and need to balance conservation and recreational objectives. Getting this balance right can engage park users in recreational experiences, such as mountain biking, that also helps them appreciate the need for nature conservation.