Geoff Canham
Geoff Canham joined the PLF at its inception and has been the convenor since 2016. He is a Principal Parks and Recreation Specialist and Accredited Parks and Recreation Professional (ARPro) and Certified Parks Professional international (CPPI). Geoff runs Thrive Spaces and Places, a specialist parks and recreation consultancy. Geoff has 40 years’ experience in parks agency/ local government parks and recreation with New Zealand and international experience in parks and recreation leadership, planning and project management as a specialist consultant since 2006.
Previous to this, Geoff worked for five local authorities in the parks/ environment field, four of which being in New Zealand, including eight years with Tauranga City Council as Parks and Leisure infrastructure Manager. Geoff has recently assisted DOC on strategic projects for Heritage and Visitor Management since 2018 and undertakes Recreation Assessment evidence work at an Environment Court and Judicial Review Level.
Geoff has been invited to be a keynote speaker in both North America and Australasia and was an official guest of the U.S Department of Agriculture for presentations in Washington DC, an official guest of the Australian Federal Government, both on ‘co-design with indigenous peoples’ on subject matter to effect joint environmental outcomes. He has given over 15 Conference presentations in New Zealand, Australia, and the U.S, has had over 10 articles published and is the recipient of two NZRA industry awards.