Wānanga Waitangi Summit
Wednesday April 2nd to Friday April 4th, 2025
Day 1
1:45 pm Arrival to Grounds
Official start to proceedings
2:00 pm – 3pm Pōwhiri at the grounds
3pm-3:30pm Afternoon Tea
3:30 pm – 4:20 pm: Private Guided Tour (finishing at the bottom of the Grounds)
4:20pm-4:35pm: Demo from one of our sponsors-Mowbot
4:35pm-4:50pm: Demo from one of our sponsors- BridgeitNZ
4:50 pm – 6:00 pm:
Self guided exploration of Te Rau Aroha Museum
Self guided exploration of Te Kōngahu Museum of Waitangi
6:00pm: Sip and Social at The Blue Door Paihia
Day 2

8:30 am: Walk to Treaty Grounds
8:30 am – 8:45 am: Waitangi Treaty Grounds Trust officially opens the meeting
8:45 am – 10:15 am: Ralph Johnson and Ngāti Kawa
8:45am -9:30am
Kaupapa: A Te Ao Māori response to the “Parks” concept.
Placing Māori culture at the centre of Aotearoa NZ’s story. Canvassing our rich heritage, elevating the mana of whakapapa and grasping the traditional values that exist as geopolitical overlays to our modern concept of “Parks”.
Guest Speaker: Ngati Kawa Taituha
9:30am - 10:15am
Kaupapa: The Waitangi Treaty Grounds: planning for sustainability and bicentenaries
An introduction to the nationally and internationally significant Waitangi Treaty Grounds followed by an interactive session, drawing on the collective wisdom of the audience, exploring planning models and approaches for balancing short term sustainability priorities and longer-term planning for the bicentenaries in 2035 and 2040.
Guest Speaker: Ralph Johnson.
10:15am-1045:am- Morning Tea
11:00am-12:30pm Debbie Tikau and Paul Devlin
Kaupapa:He Ara Roimata ki te Anamata - Takapūneke, our journey, our survivance
Takapūneke has a rich history and is of immense cultural importance to Ngāi Tārewa and Ngāti Irakehu. The story of this whenua is both shocking and complex, yet according to historians, this piece of Akaroa coastline “provide(s) an even richer set of narratives around the Nations identity than Waitangi.” The event that occurred at Takapūneke in 1830 played a substantial role in shaping New Zealand’s political framework. Events since 1830 exemplify the collision of two significantly contrasting world views, and as such, spans over two hundred years of anguish, conflict, and change. This presentation will take you on a journey of innovation, deceit, desecration, and sorrow to the current day – and the reimagining of this landscape, sharing values, and establishment of a true partnership through a trusting, respectful, and fruitful co-governance arrangement between Mana Whenua and the Council.
The story commences in 1820 with the establishment of a thriving trading centre at Takapūneke, followed by a massacre that sent shock waves back to London, decades of battle with local bodies over the desecration of this sacred land through to the healing work we're doing today and the blessing of stage one landscape works on Matariki 2022. The Takapūneke Reserve Landscape design is the culmination of many years of work, wānanga, relationship building, and dreaming. It is an expression of mana motuhake and an expression of what can be achieved through a meaningful Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership. Today, Ōnuku Rūnanga and Christchurch City Council stand side by side to realise the vision by those members of Ōnuku Rūnanga who built the foundation for this relationship.
They wanted:
to share the story of Takapūneke with the world
to safeguard and grow mātauranga Māori
to restore the mauri and mana of the land and people
12:30 pm – 1:15 pm: Lunch
1:15pm - 1:30pm: DEMO from our one of our sponsors-Greenworks
1:30pm-2:15pm: Taranaki Mounga
Kaupapa: Taranaki Mounga Project
Taranaki Mounga Project is an ambitious landscape scale restoration and reconnection programme of Te Papa-Kura-o-Taranaki. Initiated in 2015, the project has sought to work across a partnership of iwi, agencies and community to deliver transformational changes for our tūpuna maunga. This presentation will share insights from the last decade of operations, and aspirations for the future as Te Ture Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua 2025 comes into force.
2:30pm-3:15pm: Gunaikurnai and Dja Dja Wurrung Rangers and Parks Victoria
Kaupapa: Stories from Gunaikurnai and Dja Dja Wurrung Rangers working in Joint Management
The presentation will outline how joint management of National Parks and Reserves is established between Traditional Owner Group entities and the State of Victoria (Australia). Moving from a more formal review of legislation, agreements and other matters the presentation will include time for Gunaikurnai and Dja Dja Wurrung Rangers to share their stories of what joint management means for them. We also hope to use the time to invite open discussion with those that have joined us.
Mick Farnham
Paula Harrison
Harly Wanganeen
Kevin Hood
Matthew Paterson (guest of Gunaikurnai)
Dja Dja Wurrung
Annalise Varker
Daikota Nelson
Zelma Carter
3:15 pm – 3:45 pm: Afternoon Tea
4:00pm-4:45pm: Liz Parkin and Joe Hammon-Tūpuna Maunga Authority
Kaupapa: Co-governance - the upside
Auckland Council’s unit, Te Waka Tairanga Whenua, is a nimble team tasked with looking after a breadth of co-governance and co-management arrangements across Tāmaki Makaurau. These partnership arrangements bring Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau iwi collective and Auckland Council together to care for some of the most sacred sites of Auckland.
The co-governance and co-management arrangements supported by Te Waka Tairanga Whenua bring an approach to management that rests upon varying Te Tiriti o Waitangi settlements and local government management structures. From legislated arrangements to local board management sub-committees, these structures provide valuable connectivity between Mana Whenua, local government, and the community.
Some of the sites concern single iwi while others work with multiple iwi across multiple sites. Each entity manages sites of high cultural significance to Mana Whenua; all with public access. All sites deliver mutually beneficial social, environmental, cultural, and resource management outcomes.
Liz Parkin and Joe Hammon share their perspectives on the challenges and successes of working in the co-governance space.
5:45pm- Hangi dinner and performance at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds
Day 3

8:30 am: Arrival
8:45am- 10 am Kylie Willison and Geoff Canham
Kaupapa: Te Awa o Te Kōpūrererua-Not just an inner-city river realignment
The hapū of Ngai Tamarawaho was a driving force behind a 2001 vision to reestablish their relationship with Tauranga’s Kopurererua Valley. Their vision set the framework for the design and development of a business-partnered project. The hapū vision for what became the ‘Kopurererua Valley Project’ including the overdue revival of Ngai Tamarawaho’s cultural presence and co decision-making connection with the Valley, changing it from failed attempts at European farming and drainage subsidies, to a thriving 364 Ha waterway park, honouring Ngai Tamarawaho’s ancestors and providing contemporary spaces for people to reconnect. Since then, the better management and protection of Puketoromiro Pa, the creation of Te Mahi a-Nuku (The hapu’s training, native plant nursery and contracting company) and the recognition of future work for the hapu to undertake and decide on instead of general contractors has changed and increased.
In essence, the 24-year project culminated in the reintegration of hapū vision into the Kopurererua Valley, offering a model for other regions, city councils, and hapū. Significant achievements range from physical changes to the Valley to relationship strengthening. These include community relationship building and strengthening of the hapū’s relationship with their whenua, their local authority Tauranga City Council, infrastructural agencies, utility companies, and the community.
10am-10:20 am Morning Tea
10:20am-11:30am: Lance Vervoort-Hamilton City Council
Kaupapa: A journey of cultural competency
This presentation traverses Hamilton City Council’s journey to ensure the organisation genuinely works in collaboration with Tiriti partners, Waikato-Tainui, mana whenua and maataawaka to achieve collective outcomes in the management of parks, community facilities and water bodies for the locals through the application of Maatauranga Maaori principles and Council’s multi-faceted strategy He Pou Manawa Ora – Pillars of Strength. It provides an outline of the prioritised, sequential initiatives that have been implemented to make a change in the way staff think and operate, with the exploration of some practical examples of what has been achieved so far.
11:30am-11:45 am: Closing of Wānanga