Tūpuna Maunga Authority Chair Paul Majurey and Cornwall Park Trust Board Chair Adrienne Young-cooper are pleased to announce that Maungakiekie, One Tree Hill Domain and Cornwall Park will remain largely car free for the period of C
ovid-19 Alert Level 2. “We closed the Maunga and park to cars completely during Alert Levels 4 and 3 to support only local access and physical distancing in accordance with the Alert guidelines. But we have received overwhelming positive feedback from the public using the Maunga and park roads and paths for walking, cycling and general recreation that they’ve enjoyed the change. We know Aucklanders see the Maunga and its surrounding parkland as a whole and nowhere is this more evident than the narrow road and footpaths around Maungakiekie,“ said Mr Majurey. “It has been heart-warming to see so many families walking and cycling and enjoying the quiet ambience of Cornwall Park, even though the park vehicle gates have been closed. We thank local residents for their patience with carparking in neighbouring streets," said Mrs Young-Cooper. Cornwall Park Trust and the Tūpuna Maunga Authority work closely in the operation of Maungakiekie, One Tree Hill Domain, and Cornwall Park. At Alert Level 2, car entries have now been opened at Manukau Road and Greenlane West Road to allow car parking and easy access to the cafes, Stardome and Sorrento event centre, but all private vehicle thoroughfare though Maungakiekie, One Tree Hill Domain and Cornwall Park will remain closed through Alert Level 2. Additional car parking has been made available by the ASB Showgrounds on Greenlane West Road. "We will use this time to trial and assess the workability of these arrangements in the enjoyment of the Maunga and park, while allowing limited car access especially for those with very young children, the elderly and those with disabilities. The parts of the roads remaining closed through Level 2 will allow most of the Maunga circuit road to be used for walking and cycling while maintaining physical distancing,“ said Mrs Young-Cooper. Map of park access:

For further information please contact:
Tūpuna Maunga Authority:
Mike George
Kaiwhakahaere Whakapā Hononga | Manager Communications & Partnerships mike.george@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz | 027 212 4512
Cornwall Park:
Michael Ayrton
Park Director
Michael.Ayrton@cornwallpark.co.nz |021 999 903